About Me

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Bagel lover. Houmous enthusiast. Speech Therapy Student. Glasgow. Beauty, fashion, foodporn, random blogger :) From Ireland.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

First post :)

Sure hello! First blog yeo!
Just starting this new blog so heres a few words about me...Im joanne from Ireland, my parents are from Hong Kong & for the past 2 years I have been living & studying in Scotland!

Ive decided to create a blog cos its summer (altho not having much of a summer in Glasgow..rain rain rain!) and Im stuck inside the flat most days bored & you know when you don't get out of your pjs early enough in the day so theres no point in getting ready for trying to start a productive day?- cos you're only going to go back into them ready for bed?- You end up slumming it the WHOLE day watchin daytime telly & refreshing facebook. So I wanted to make something productive cos Ive had one (or two) blogs beofre and I never really get into it, or found time to post things. Hopefully I can learn new things from other blogs & share what little things come from my life!

Anyways, mostly I will go on about..beauty, health, fooooood, pets, travel, random ponders & thoughts. Just little things around my daily life!

..hope u enjoy!


You've got me on a good day cos I'm actually wearing decent clothes but no make-up :) time for pjs soon  I think!!


  1. haha exact reason why i started my own blog! :D following you :)

  2. :) nice to know anyone can start a blog!haha & im still learning how to work this thing xo
